RockShox SIDluxe Flight Attendant A2 Rear shock 190x45 Shaft Eyelet: Standard Body Eyelet: Standard 1 Token Reb85/comp30 Mid8 Lockout8

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  • SIDLuxe Ultimate Flight Attendant completes the fastest, most efficient, and most technologically-advanced crosscountry platform ever. Efficiency is key with the latest Flight Attendant automatic damper featuring three Compression positions: Open, Pedal, and Lock positions. Flight Attendant algorthim uses a suite sensors to read rider and terrain inputs to anticipate the perfect suspension position. Adaptive Ride Dynamics enables the Flight Attendant system to learn from the rider to make smarter, more personalized decisions for greater efficiency and even more speed. AXS battery and charger included Can only be used with the complete 3-part Flight Attendant system (fork, rear shock, power meter). SRAM Model ID: RS-SIDLUXE ULT FLGHT ATNDNT-A2
    Damping RL3
    Damping Adjustments External rebound Electric Controlled 3 position compression (open/pedal/lock)
    Default Settings 1 Token Reb85/comp30 Mid8 Lockout8
    Eye-To-Eye 190x45
    Primary Color Black
    Spring Adjustments Air pressure Bottomless tokens
    Spring Type Solo Air
    Frame Compatibility Allied BC40 2022
    Shaft Eyelet Standard
    Body Eyelet Standard